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Privacy Notice

We will treat all your Personal Information as confidential (although We reserve the right to disclose it in the circumstances set out below). We will keep it on a secure server and We will fully comply with all applicable Data Protection and consumer legislation from time to time in place.

We confirm that any Personal Information which You provide to Us (or which is available on public registers) and any User Information from which We can identify You, is held in accordance with the registration We have with the Data Commissioner's Office. We use Your information only for the following purposes:

  • Processing Your orders, including despatch, payment and returns;
  • To prevent or detect fraud or abuses of Our Website;
  • To enable third parties to carry out technical, logistical or other functions on Our behalf;
  • For statistical or survey purposes to personalise and improve this Website and its services to You;
  • To serve Website content and advertisements to You;
  • To administer this Website;

You agree that You do not object to Us contacting You for any of the above purposes whether by telephone, e-mail, fax or in writing. 

When You purchase from Us online or consent to receive marketing communications from Us by signing up to Our email newsletter, You consent to receive information from Us about Products, promotions or special offers which We feel may be of interest to You. These may be sent by post, e-mail or telephone. You may unsubscribe directly from Our newsletter on the unsubscribe link provided to You in any e-mail we send our Web Customer Services team via Overseas customers please call +603-62513133, 603-62592993.

You agree that if We are requested by the police or any other regulatory or government authority investigating suspected illegal activities to provide Your Personal Information and /or User Information, We are entitled do so.

How do We define 'Data'?

Data is any Personal Information that You provide to Us and which is recorded and used by Us and by which You can be identified.

What sort of Data do We collect about You?

When You shop on this Website, We will ask You to input and we will collect Personal Information from You such as Your name, e-mail address, billing address, delivery address, telephone number(s), product selections, credit/debit or other payment information and a password. Optionally we may ask You for Your Date of Birth which may be used to identify You if You wish to make changes to Your account or Your Order by telephone.

We may also collect, and Our third party providers of advertisements and content may collect, information about where You are on the internet (e.g. the URL You came from, IP address, domain types like and .com), Your browser type, the country and telephone area code where Your computer is located, the pages of Our Website that were viewed during Your visit, the advertisements You clicked on, and any search terms that You entered on Our Website. We may collect this information even if You do not register with Us.

Do We pass on Your personal details to third parties?

Your Personal Information may be disclosed to other businesses within the Harvey Nichols Group of companies and to reputable third parties who will help process Your order. We require all such third parties to treat Your personal information as fully confidential and to fully comply with all applicable Data Protection and consumer legislation from time to time in place.

With Your prior approval We may also pass Your details to third parties or research agencies who may contact You by post, e-mail or telephone. We may also share aggregate information with selected third parties but We do not disclose individual names or any identifying information without Your permission.

How will We let You know if Our Privacy Policy changes?

Should Our policy change in the future, for example, to comply with new legislation, We will post these changes on the Privacy Policy statements contained on the Website. Please check back frequently on the Website to see any updates or changes to Our Privacy Policy.

What is a cookie and what is it used for?

Cookies are small pieces of information that are stored by Your browser on Your computer hard drive. They contain no recognizable Personal Information.

We use them to identify You as You travel around Our Website and to provide Website usage information, which will further help Us improve and develop the Website and services We offer.

We advise You not to use cookies if Your computer is shared by other people. You can accept all cookies, reject all cookies, or modify Your browser to alert You of any new cookies. Cookies also protect the integrity of registered passwords and limit access to 'paid for' services.


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